DCP Kit Case and Spares

Kit includes the following items:
1 DCP Hammer, (Top Section) CL24310
5 extension rods (900mm) CL24321
2 cone tips CL24310/1
2 flogging pieces CL24310/3
1 blunt tip CL24310/2
1 rod extractor CL24330
1 carry case CL24340
2 spanners CL24310/20
3 grub screws CL24320/2

Approx 48 kg
** Other Kit option sizes available

SKU: CL24300K Categories: ,

The Civilab DCP is a rugged Australian made piece of equipment with a proven track record.
The hammer assembly is a separate unit to which 900mm long graduated rods can be attached.
** Other Kit options available

AS 1289.6.3.2

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